The noLoop function causes drawing to stop and can be restarted using the loop function. noLoop函数会导致绘制停止,而使用loop函数则可以重新开始绘制。
An audio clip in AU format could be loaded using a URL and then only three operations were available: play, stop, and loop. 一个AU格式的音频剪辑可以用URL来载入,并且只有三个操作可以使用:播放、停止和循环。
Soft stop control of high-voltage asynchronous motor based on active power close loop 基于有功功率闭环的高压异步电机软停控制
Back the front adjuster out in an increment you can feel when you push on the bike at a stop ( usually a half-turn or two clicks), and ride another loop. 停下来在你压在车上时调低一点前减震阻尼(通常是半圈或2级),然后再骑一圈试试。
Since you do not have to wait for a list to be generated ( stop and go) or allocate a thread to processing the loop ( pipelining), this can be the most efficient method. 由于您无需等待一个列表生成完毕(停止并前进)或者分配一个线程用于处理循环(并行管道),这可能是最有效率的方法了。
It is entirely possible to stop, refactor, be a little behind on features, slam in a few features, not catch up but screw up the code, and loop forever, never getting benefit. 停下来、重构、稍微落后于特性、专注于少量特性、不赶进度而是优化代码,如此循环往复,却从来不受益;这样的状况完全有可能。